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News & Events

Newborns Vietnam is funded entirely from voluntary donations and your support will make a vital difference to the advancement of neonatal care and the help prevent needless deaths of newborns. Help us by donating now.

  • Another successful NLS Course

    An amazing week, Newborns wants to give a huge congratulations to all 70 NLS candidates who took part in the Newborn Life Support (NLS) resuscitation training. We are excited and proud to […]

  • MOU signing ceremony between Newborns Vietnam and BIM Group

    An evening of celebration at the British Embassy Residency, Gareth Ward, the British Ambassador announced the BIM Group sponsorship of the national Newborn Life Support training programme (NLS) and warmly congratulated the […]

  • Ministry of Health approves Newborn Life Support course

    History in the making, the Ministry of Health approved the UK/European Newborn Life Support (NLS) resuscitation programme as the national training programme for Vietnam. This morning, on June 20th, 2022, A/Prof Pham […]

  • VietBay US – Stepping Up for Vietnam

    The peak of the COVID-19 crisis has passed but as the number of pregnant women in Hanoi infected with COVID increased and more babies are born very sick there was an urgent […]

  • First Human Milk Bank in Hanoi

    Newborns Vietnam is feeling proud at the official opening of the first Human Milk Bank in Hanoi at Vietnam National Children’s Hospital (VNCH). The Human Milk Bank is a great achievement to […]

  • Warm and Comfy

    Happy day at Moc Chau General Hospital. Hats are a must for very small and sick babies, covering the head helps them stay warm. It is often days or weeks before the […]

  • Kona – Where Champions Race

    Training, dedication and endurance has taken Lam Tuc Ngan on a tough journey from VNG Ironman 70.3 Da Nang to qualify for the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Congratulations, Ngan, yesterday […]